jueves, 7 de febrero de 2013


Being a good teacher can be the most rewarding and exciting job in the world - however, being a teacher that doesn't work effectively can be stressful, painful, and exhausting. Here are some great tips to being the best teacher you can be.


Classroom Management

  1. Set the example. Remember that you are the teacher. It is important for you to be like a "superhero" figure in their eyes. Remember that your students look up to you and will thus try to mimic your dispositions. If you are rude or inappropriate, they will have an inappropriate model for their behavior. It is vital that students see you as a person with confidence, so that they follow your lead, and feel comfortable trusting you. Students, of all ages, need someone they can lean on, look up to, and be able to trust.
  2. Be compassionate. Great educators form strong relationships with their students and show that they care about them as people. They are warm, accessible, enthusiastic and caring. Be open to staying at school after-hours to help students or get involved in school-wide committees and activities, and they demonstrate a commitment to the school.
  3. Set some ground rules. You should have 3-5 rules that the students know about. These are the rules that, when broken, are subject to the consequence scheme outlined above. Try allowing the class to suggest the ground rules: have a class discussion and write ideas, it makes the class feel they are listened to and that you care about their opinions and input while also setting some groundwork that they will feel loyal to because they've made it. Act as a mediator to make sure that the rules decided upon are appropriate. Some may be, for instance, be quiet when the teacher is talking, respect each other, and finish the homework and classwork.

Lesson Planning

  1. Have an objective. When you are planning a lesson, the most vital part is the objective. What do you want your students to take away from the lesson? If the objective is powerful, deep, and reflects what you really want students to learn, it will be reflected in the lesson.
  2. Have a solid plan for your lessons. Each and every lesson should be divided into three simple parts that reflect your objective.
    • First should be the "lecture" part of the lesson. This is where you teach something new to the class (of course allowing for questions or comments when applicable).
    • Dedicate the second part of class to something that involves a collective group work element where students can work with whoever they want. Near the end of this part, you can have a discussion session where groups voice their findings/opinions, and give marks for adequate participation.
    • The final part of every lesson should be where the students return to their seats and work QUIETLY on one final task, such as answering specific questions written on the board, or drawing a picture related to something they learned that lesson. The students should only talk to you (if they have a question about what/how to do it) or the person sitting directly next to them. This is the wind-down part where students get a chance to work on and understand the material on their own.
  3. Assign relevant homework. Rather than assigning something different every night, it is wise to assign one or two more substantial assignments on Monday and then collect these assignments on Friday.
  4. Consider giving quizzes. You may want to have a quiz every Friday to assess how well the students are grasping the material. You can judge how well you are teaching by how well the majority of your students perform on the quizzes.
             I think that teacher is a guide for students, we have the responsibility to choose the correct strategies in order to develop the student’s language skills, but what can we do?  How can we do? Those are questions in which I always have thought.
In this article we can find two important parts that could help us in our teaching.
First, the classroom management is very important; there can be no doubt that creates a positive learning atmosphere will influence en the student´s attitude toward language learning. Although, we can not be the hero that lecture mentioned because we are exposure to make mistakes too;  we can be friendly, enthusiastic and inspires confidence in order to increase the self- esteem of our students and being able to work with less fear of taking risks or facing challenges.
In addition to that we need to elaborate some rules with the student´s participation.

 Second, the lesson planning is a part of our work too. Every lessons should have an specific objective and be planned to give the students opportunities to practice and improve their language skills. Moreover, homework and quizzes is a good way to verify if the students understood the subject.

In conclusion, we have to be aware about the importance of the classroom management and lesson planning as an important part of our work as a Teacher.




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